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Rural Energy Communities LV

Catalysing and Building Capacities for Renewable Energy Communities in Rural Latvia

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About Rural Energy Communities LV

The project Rural Energy CommunitiesLV – Catalysing and building capacities for renewable energy communities in rural Latvia aims to enhance the development of Renewable Energy Communities (RECs), especially in rural areas of Latvia. It aims to facilitate dialogue, knowledge transfer and cooperation between policy makers and other relevant stakeholders in Schleswig-Holstein and Latvia. It also aims to strengthen networking and capacity development in Latvia. The project started on 1 January 2024 and will run for 21 months.

The main activities include a German-Latvian policy dialogue on the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II/RED III), in particular the provisions for energy communities, energy sharing and the role of the Citizens' Energy Fund in Schleswig-Holstein as a possible model for Latvia. Other priorities include a study visit by Latvian decision-makers and experts to Schleswig-Holstein, the compilation of relevant good practice examples, regional awareness-raising, networking and capacity development measures in the planning regions of Latvia, the establishment of regional task forces and ambassadors for energy communities as well as train-the-trainer workshops. In addition, the project aims to initiate the development of an energy community in a rural pilot community in Latvia (Sece).

Updates from Rural Energy Communities LV

Virtual policy dialogue between Schleswig-Holstein and Latvia on renewable energy communities

As part of the Rural Energy CommunitiesLV project funded by the German Federal Environmental Foundation, the virtual policy dialogue Enhancing Energy Communities in Rural Regions - Knowledge Exchange Between Schleswig-Holstein and Latvia took place on 26 June 2024.

The focus of the event was on the energy policy framework in Germany/Schleswig-Holstein and Latvia, the implementation of the relevant European regulations and their provisions for energy communities, the citizens' energy fund in Schleswig-Holstein, as well as issues of digitalization in the energy sector.

The agenda and a summary of the event with the key findings can be found in the files below. There is also a project factsheet with more information about Rural Energy CommunitiesLV. Also, you can find the presentations, that were presented.

An expert delegation from Latvia learned about citizen energy in Schleswig-Holstein.

From October 8–11, 2024, Rural Energy CommunitiesLV hosted a visit from Latvian experts in Schleswig-Holstein, aiming for an exchange of information and experiences on citizen energy. The nine-member Latvian delegation included representatives from the Ministry of Climate and Energy, various government agencies, the Regulatory Commission, energy agencies, and SMEs. The visit was coordinated by the Heinrich Böll Foundation Schleswig-Holstein in close collaboration with its partner, the Latvian Rural Forum.

A follow-up virtual policy dialogue on energy sharing is planned for spring 2025, and a return visit of German experts to Latvia is scheduled for early summer 2025.



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